God Will Never Fail You
Arthur Luther wrote the song, Jesus Never Fails in the 1920s after he received terrible news from his family, while working more than 600 miles from home. The news of his son’s illness and being rushed to the hospital came by telegram via a train that traveled the mountain only once a week. Feeling helpless, he sat down and began to play the piano.
“Upon this rock I will build my church; and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it.”
─ Matthew 16:18 TLB
In Matthew 16, Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you think I am?” And Peter replied, “You are the Anointed One, the Messiah, Son of the Living God.”
Jesus told Peter, “My father revealed this to you. And I will build my church on that revelation; and the powers of hell cannot win against it.”
When you find yourself in a situation completely out of your control, God proves He will never fail you.
Luther’s hope was in this revelation. He could do nothing to help his son. He sat down at the piano and began to let his fingers wander across the keys. A simple refrain rose up singing, “Jesus never fails.” Luther accepted this as an answer to his prayer and rejoiced in praise to God that it was true.
Shortly after the song was finished, someone knocked on the door, bringing news that had come over telegraph that the crisis was over and his son was okay.
It’s often when we feel like our hands are tied and we can do nothing more, that God shows up and His purpose is achieved. When you find yourself in a situation completely out of your control, God proves He will never fail you.
Today’s One Thing
Whatever you are struggling with today, look particularly at the last part of today’s verse – the gates of hell shall not prevail.
- Put on a new perspective with that assurance that God will be victorious in your life.
- Ask yourself, how does that change my outlook on this situation?
- Spend time releasing the situation to Him.
- Allow Him to do His will on your behalf today.