
God’s Image Bearer

You must put on the new self, which is created in God’s likeness and reveals itself in the true life that is upright and holy.

─ Ephesians 4:24 GNT

R.C. Sproul, American theologian and pastor said, “We go back to creation and we see that man is made in the image, and in the likeness of God, not in the sense that God has a body, but in terms of our nature. You are called to be living images that reflect and communicate the character of God Himself.”

Sproul’s message is that it’s not about a list of expectations of what you should and shouldn’t do, but about the condition of your heart. As God’s image bearer, you put on God’s character and nature.

In our verse today, Paul is clear. You are born again by the Spirit, remade in His likeness. The light and life of God begins to burn brightly within your soul. And as you yield to His leading and come to know Him more each day through fellowship, you look more and more like Him. Your character and nature become Christlike.

God’s not concerned about the list of dos and don’ts. He’s interested in a personal relationship with you. He wants your heart to reflect the true nature of who He is.

Today’s One Thing

Let your light shine today. In everything you say and do, choose to show others the image of God in you.


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