God’s Will, No Matter What
The book of Job is hardly light reading. But it’s one of the most important books of Scripture you’ll ever tackle as a Christian. It brings you face-to-face with the sovereignty of God.
“Everything you were taught can be put into a few words: Respect and obey God! This is what life is all about.”
─ Ecclesiastes 12:13 CEV
It’s the story of a man God describes as “blameless and upright” who “feared God and shunned evil.” Job had ten children, thousands of heads of livestock and many servants. Yet in a series of events allowed by God, Job lost everything: his sons and daughters, his animals, servants and finally his health.
First, Job’s wife and then three of his friends insisted he must have upset God somehow by sinning and trying to hide it. If he’d simply confess, the devastation would end. But Job knew he hadn’t disobeyed God, and he also knew not to blame God for what had happened.
Agree with God for the things He has for you.
Job pleaded to God for an explanation, a reason for his tribulations, but he received no answer.
Finally, God spoke (Job 38-41) and essentially said: I am God. My purposes are beyond your knowledge. Job replied, “I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2 NIV).
Job understood that he was to agree with God’s will for his life, no matter what it was. God lovingly restored Job to even greater things than before. And His sovereignty remained.
Living your intentional life in Christ begins by accepting God’s purposes for you, understanding what He says in the Bible and then agreeing with Him. It’s not easy, to be sure. But it is essential.
Today’s One Thing
What is going on in your life today that you need to accept, understand and agree with God about? Locate three Scriptures that encourage you in the area you need more understanding in and talk to God about it.