God’s Word Never Fails!
The prophet, Isaiah spoke of many things to come. The first verse in Isaiah 54 talks about a woman who never had a child becoming fruitful. Isaiah proclaims she will have more than the woman who has a husband.
“Sing, O childless woman, you who have never given birth! Break into loud and joyful song, O Jerusalem, you who have never been in labor. For the desolate woman now has more children than the woman who lives with her husband,” says the Lord.
— Isaiah 54:1 NLT
Verses like this require a little more study. Thankfully we have all kinds of commentaries that help us better understand the meaning of Isaiah’s words. When the apostles in the New Testament read Isaiah’s words, they applied them to Jesus’ ministry.
You can trust and believe that whatever God said, will happen!
Throughout the Gospels, the number of those who accepted Jesus as the son of God was very small; few believed and lived according to His teachings. The disciples and those who followed Christ were about 120.
“For more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord” (KJV) refers to the many souls born again and added to the church after Jesus’ death.
Isaiah proclaimed in the Old Testament what the church would become. Today the children of the desolate woman, or the church, truly does far exceed that of a woman who naturally gives birth to her own children.
Let Isaiah’s words encourage you because it affirms that what God promises, will indeed become a reality. You can trust and believe that whatever He has said, will happen!
Today’s One Thing
Go back and read Isaiah 54:1-8 with fresh eyes. Think about the words as they pertain to the growth of the church and the increase in numbers to the family of God. Give God praise in your quiet time today that His word never fails.