Grateful Each Day
We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, who is and who was, for you have taken your great power and begun to reign.
─ Revelation 11:17
Even though we have so much to give God thanks for, the demands of life can deflate our grateful hearts. This leaves us with little remembrance of what God has done and continues to do for us. When we’re hurting, the effort to offer praise and thanksgiving is a true sacrifice on our part, but the decision to give thanks to Him, even when we don’t feel like it, can make a lasting difference.
Taking the time to thank God for each of the gifts He’s given us reminds us He is our Provider, and that He never intended for us to be fully self-sufficient but instead, dependent on Him. A mouth full of gratitude also leaves little room for complaints. It’s impossible to be truly grateful and filled with negativity at the same time.
Thanksgiving to God helps us have the right perspective. It refocuses our attention on our miracle-working God. It takes the focus off of ourselves and allows us to look beyond the circumstances of life. As we offer thanksgiving, we invite His presence into our midst, and He refreshes and renews us.
Today’s One Thing
Write down five things you are truly grateful to God for today. Then take that list into your quiet time and tell Him about each one and the difference His gift has made.