Grow Strong in the Truth
No matter how long it’s been since you began your journey to live each day in Christ, you always have room to grow stronger in the truth of His love.
“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. “
─ Colossians 2:7 NLT
Through relationship with the Lord, you are able to grow in your faith. He is always available to help you along the way.
You live and grow in Him by:
• Surrendering fully to Him (Romans 12:1-2).
• Learning from Him through His life examples and teachings (Romans 3:16).
• Allowing the Holy Spirit’s power to be at work in your life (Acts 1:8).
Let your roots grow deep in God’s truth.
In the verse above, Paul paints a picture of your life in Christ growing as a plant nourished in a garden. The deeper the roots go, the more firmly they are planted in the soil, drawing strength from the soil for everything it needs.
In the same way, you can draw your strength from Christ by receiving nourishment provided in the truth of Scripture. The more you understand God through His Word, the less likely you are to be trampled by life’s storms. Let your roots grow deep in God’s truth.
Today’s One Thing
Look at the three ways you can live and grow in Christ each day. Do you need to be working on fully surrendering to Him? Does He have 100% of you? Are you learning more each day through His Word? Have you invited the Holy Spirit to work in your life? Choose one of these three ways and ask the Lord to help you grow your roots deeper this week.