Harvest Time
And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
— Luke 10:2
Autumn is a time ripe for harvest. Orange pumpkins cover the ground while bright red apples add to the fall colors of the trees. It’s fun to pick ripe fruit and plop it into a cider press to make a tasty drink. Baking pumpkin bread, apple turnovers and other fall treats fill a home with an enticing aroma. Many areas celebrate autumn with a harvest festival and fall fairs.
Fall harvesting means picking lots of produce, such as hickory nuts and the last of the vegetables in the garden. All that labor takes many hands. Baskets and trucks fill quickly. Modern machines can help with harvesting these days, but many vegetables and fruits still need to be picked by hand.
Jesus spoke about a different kind of harvest—one of souls. He said the harvest is plentiful, like a field of trees bursting with ripe fruit. There are people aching to know God and His goodness, but someone must tell them. We’re all called to share our faith. Some do so on big stages at enormous crusades. Others share a word of kindness and the love of God with a hurting neighbor. We are told to pray for the Lord to send the workers, and we could all be the answer to that prayer.
Today’s One Thing
Be ready for the harvest, and share your faith.