
He Goes Wherever You Go

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

─ Joshua 1:9

Christopher’s hands were shaking. “Lord, help me relax,” he prayed. He swallowed hard. He let the Taylor guitar his grandfather gave him, his prized possession, slide to the side and hang from the strap as he wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. The lights from the stage were blinding and hot, and he hadn’t even stepped in front of the audience yet.

Born with the music in him, Christopher wanted a guitar for as long as he could remember. His parents put a toy one in his hand on his third birthday and bought a second-hand one for him at a pawn shop while he was still in elementary school.

He could play and sing, but this shy young college freshman had never performed live until now. He would much prefer to play with no one listening but God. Yet, his guitar teachers, friends and family pushed him to step out and face his fear.

As the performer on stage began to close his final set, Christopher felt a rock in his throat. Then his mother’s words came back to him. “Don’t let fear keep you from your passion. You are not alone on that stage.” With each step forward, he became more determined. He picked up his guitar and faced the audience.

Wherever you go, God goes with you. Whatever you’re doing, you never have to do it alone.

Today’s One Thing

Are you ready to face your fear and embrace your passion? Whatever you’ve been putting off, schedule it today. God will be with you all the way!



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