He Opens Your Best Doors
You may not always understand God’s answers, but you can always trust His plans.
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
– Matthew 7:7 ESV
New homes were going up as Susan and Matthew waited for their loan to be approved. They were told there would be no issues. As they pictured their young family living and growing up there, they put their current home up for sale. It sold quickly. On the day of closing of the current home, they received news that their loan application for their dream home was not approved. The new owners expected to move in right away, so they had to move out without a place to go.
Friends came and helped load up their belongings. One offered to store their furnishings in his garage. Through tears and prayers, they began the hunt for a place to live.
When God closes a door, you can trust His opened door.
Finding a little townhome nearby, the disappointed couple settled in for what they hoped would be a short stay until they could locate a home. One day while peering over the backyard fence, Susan noticed a sign in front of a home in the new development directly behind their rented townhome. It was a for sale by owner. The owner of the home had paid cash for it and had listed the home for less than what the new builds were going for. The windows had new coverings and the home was already landscaped. It was perfect for their young family!
Susan and Matthew purchased the home and as they were moving in, it occurred to them that God protected them from a tremendous financial strain. He closed a door but opened a better one. They now had a home and the finances to give more.
You can trust God when a door is closed. As you seek Him, He will lead you to the best option.
Today’s One Thing
Will you choose today to allow God to use you to share His love by doing what He’s gifted you to do? Ask Him to show you how you can serve others in some way that brings glory to Him and blessing to those around you!