Heavenly Heart Songs
I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hoards in secret places, that you may know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who call you by your name.
─ Isaiah 45:3
“Thanks for the tea, Mom,” Julie said as she leaned in to take the glass.
“You’re so welcome, honey,” Patty replied. “I’m glad you had time today to come by and help me get all the Christmas decorations down from the attic.”
“On the way over here today, I started singing a song,” Julie said. “If you had asked me about it before, I don’t know if I’d even remember it. It was a worship song from my childhood. I don’t think I’ve heard it in twenty years.”
Patty laughed. “Oh, that happens to me all the time now. Songs come up out of your spirit. I’ll start singing a song while doing laundry or the dishes. When you kids were little, and life was really hard, I’d sit in the rocking chair and sing songs to you that encouraged my faith. Those songs just rose up out of me. I didn’t consciously think, I’m going to sing that song.”
“As it’s happening to me more and more,” Julie confided, “I’m realizing the songs are words of hope that my heart needs to hear.”
Much like a baby’s lullaby, heavenly heart songs can silence fear, worry and anxiety. When we worship, we speak His love over us reminding us that we belong to Him.
Today’s One Thing
Think about the worship songs that speak to your heart. Ask God to remind you of the words of hope and sing them throughout your day.