Hidden in God
Psalm 46 introduces God as your refuge. In the case of a storm, you might take refuge in a storm shelter, but refuge may not be a word you use a whole lot in your day to day conversations. And yet, God is your refuge.
God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him.
─ Psalm 46:1 MSG
One definition of refuge from the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary is “that which shelters or protects from danger, distress or calamity; a stronghold which protects by its strength, or a sanctuary which secures safety by its sacredness; any place inaccessible to an enemy.”
When storms blow, take refuge in God’s love.
When you say, “God is my refuge,” you are acknowledging to yourself, God and your enemy that you are hidden – no longer accessible to an enemy. You are securely tucked away in a secure place, protected in a fortress of your Heavenly Father’s love.
Inside the protective sanctuary, you have no reason to fear. Everything going on outside of your shelter can’t touch you. When the storms of life blow, remember to make yourself inaccessible to the enemy and the difficulties of life he brings by stepping into the refuge of God’s great love. You can rest in the peace of His presence.
Today’s One Thing
Say a breath prayer and contemplate just what it really means to you.
Breathe in thinking – I am hidden in God.
Breathe out saying – Father, You are my refuge.
Breathe in thinking – The enemy has no access to me.
Breathe out saying – I am safe in my Father’s love.