His Light Will Always Shine
“I have come as a Light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer wander in the darkness.”
─ John 12:46 TLB
We can only imagine what it was like to see Jesus in person, face to face. But from Scripture, we can experience who He is and what He’s like. He definitely had a presence that drew everyone to Him. And He no doubt exuded a radiant light, shining out from His spirit.
The verse today are the very words of Jesus. He said, “I have come as a Light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer wander in the darkness (John 12:46 TPT).
Jesus told His followers He would only be with them in person for a short time, but His light would continue to shine in the dark places, showing them the way they should go. As they walk in the light of His truth, they become sons and daughters of light, revealing the hope available to them in Christ, and pointing them to God.
The same is true for you today. As you live your life in Christ, you become light bringers to others. You allow His light to shine through you. In that way, His light always shines, drawing others to Him through the truth of the Gospel alive in you.
Today’s One Thing
Become more aware of how you represent Christ. Do your words and actions demonstrate love and forgiveness? Does His light shine out from you for all to see? One thing you can do today to let His light shine is to put others first. Commit to preferring others above yourself in every opportunity the Lord gives you.