His Peace, Your Guide
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
─ Isaiah 26:3 ESV
Arianna’s new job offer in a different city required her to make a lot of decisions very quickly. “I don’t know what to do – rent or buy? Get a place on my own or look for a roommate? Pay more money and be closer to the office, or commute? And the list goes on,” she sighed.
“While it’s exciting and scary at the same time,” her mother admitted, “God doesn’t want you to worry. I know you’ve been losing sleep over these exciting changes and the decisions you have to make. You can enjoy the journey and stay in peace.”
You can experience God’s perfect peace in spite of all the emotions and changes life brings. It’s tempting to get lost in the clutter of all the circumstances surrounding you, but Isaiah 26:3 promises perfect peace when you keep your thoughts on God. When you focus on His peace by trusting that He works all things together for your good, His peace will lead you to let go of the fears, the conflict and the concerns. As you trust in Him to help you make the right decisions, allow His peace to determine your choices.
Today’s One Thing
What choices are you struggling to make? Sit down and scope out the problem. List the choices that will bring you the most peace on the left of a page and the results that seem to unsettle you on the other. Which decision brings you the most peace? Pray and let God’s peace guide you in your decisions today.