Hold Firm and Persevere
Candice closed her eyes against the gloomy sky. She was tired – weary on the inside. It seemed to her life had become a lane of constant hurdles. As soon as she cleared one, another appeared to take its place.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
─Romans 12:12 NIV
Her phone beeped with a text notification. Her friend, Elaine knew the difficulties before her. As she read her friend’s message, it made Candice feel better knowing Elaine had reached out to encourage her. The text read:
rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Candice smiled, thankful her friend cared enough to encourage her.
It’s during the difficult seasons in life when your faith is stretched, that Satan comes to pressure you to give up, turn from your faith and blame God. Your trust and perseverance is a testament to your commitment to your relationship with God.
Your trust and perseverance becomes your testimony.
Often during times of great opposition, we actually feel closer to God. His presence brings comfort and assurance at all times, but especially as you face the hurdles in life.
Today’s One Thing
Make a decision today to hold firm and persevere.
- Continue to celebrate the hope you have in Him.
- Be patient knowing He will work things out for your good.
- Stay in conversation with God, listening and waiting on Him.