Home – an Open Invitation
Most teens or young adults look forward to leaving the nest. Some parents – not all – also look forward to that season in their lives.
Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster.
─ Joel 2:13 ESV
We all make mistakes – parents and children alike. That’s why forgiveness from God and from one another is so powerful. Some children leave home and never return to the nest; others move in and out as if home had a revolving door, and a few just need a little help getting started in life by spending a few months back home.
You can always come home to God
If you had parents who said, “Remember, you can always come home,” what a comfort and security that probably was for you to know you had a soft place to land. Perhaps you were on your own without that option.
Your Heavenly Father offers an open invitation. You are always welcome in His presence. He chooses you every time. His relationship with you is always important to Him. And His wisdom is always available to you to help you when things are going great, and in times of need.
Today’s One Thing
Whether you need to ask for forgiveness and come home to the Father because you’ve been away for a while, or if you just need some quiet time with Him, give 15 minutes to Him today and thank Him for His presence and grace. Sit quietly for the last five minutes just listening in your heart. Write down the thoughts that come to mind.