Honor, Courage, Selflessness
Take a moment to pause your daily routines and honor the brave men and women who have served this nation. Veterans Day (November 11) is a powerful reminder of the dedication and sacrifice of those who have stood in the gap, defending the freedoms we can often take for granted. Veterans have willingly worn the uniform, facing challenges and dangers that most of us cannot fully grasp. Their service reflects a commitment to the country and the values of honor, courage, and selflessness.
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
– 1 Timothy 2:1-2 ESV
Veterans—those who have served and those currently serving—have played a vital role in ensuring you can live a life marked by peace and dignity. Their willingness to step into roles that protect the nation is an honorable act that reflects the heart of service and sacrifice. That sacrifice often comes not just as a physical sacrifice but also the emotional toll that service members endure, months away from family, friends, and church. It all affects mental and spiritual health.
Recognizing veterans, not just on Veterans Day but throughout the year, is about acknowledging their service and bravery rendered while expressing gratitude to God for the blessing of living in a country where freedom is cherished. The liberties you enjoy are protected and preserved through the efforts of these individuals. Their service becomes an expression of dedication to the country and a reminder of your greater freedom in Christ. While you give thanks for the physical freedom of living in a free nation, remember to celebrate the spiritual freedom granted through Jesus.
Neither freedom nor salvation is free.
As you reflect on the freedoms you have, let it serve as a call to action. Pray for all veterans and their family members and offer thanksgiving for their service and the freedom they have helped secure. Pray for their physical and emotional well-being, healing where there is pain, and peace in their hearts. You can also extend gratitude through words, acts of kindness, or support, showing that their service has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. Remember to say “thank you” to those who have served and those currently serving.
Today’s One Thing
Lift up in prayer those who have served and those serving in positions of authority and protection. Pray: “Thank you, God, for the individuals who have served and my salvation through your Son, Christ Jesus.”