Hope to the World
In his name the Gentiles will hope.
Matthew 12:21
Bright lights, candy canes, decorated trees, angels and crèches proclaim the Christmas season. It’s the time of year that brings hope to hearts.
Christmas is a time to rejoice. By sending Jesus, God fulfilled a promise made long ago, a promise of salvation. Jesus came to bring hope and life and to rescue mankind from their sins. And He’s promised to return, which gives us a new hope for the future. We trust He will return because we know He’s already fulfilled His promise to come to earth the first time.
Hope is the expectation of future good and for Christians that also means the expectation of eternal life. We see symbols of this hope all around at this time of year. Bright and colorful lights remind us that Jesus is the light of the world. Candy canes, shaped like a shepherd’s staff, symbolize Jesus the Good Shepherd, who tends His flock. They also remind us that Christ is the Lamb of God, who gave His life for us.
The star in the sky brought hope to the magi, the first Gentiles to bow before the newborn King. They pursued the star, seeking truth and hope, and gave of their wealth when they found Him. Jesus came first to Israel and then to the Gentiles and all who would embrace Him. And He makes that same offer today. If we’ll accept Him as Lord, He provides hope, direction and eternal life.
Today’s One Thing
Give cards filled with words of hope to people who might need them this Christmas.