It’s Going To Be Good!
When we come to God, he accepts you as you are, forgives you and celebrates you as a new creature. Your Spirit is made alive in Him. He wants you to know without a doubt that He is for you.
And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
─ Romans 8:28 TLB
Along the journey He sets before us, we face challenges in life and must overcome obstacles with our faith. When we trust God and believe our verses today – that all things work together for our good – then we are able to withstand anything the enemy of our soul brings against us.
Why? Because He chose you as His child before He framed the worlds. He has always known you.
When you believe all things work together for your good, you can withstand anything the enemy brings against you.
Five things you can do to become more like Christ:
- Read the Word of God.
- Do what it commands.
- Follow the examples Christ set before you.
- Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.
- Serve others.
“All that happens to us is working for our good” doesn’t mean that bad things won’t happen. But when they do, He will make it work out in your best interest in the end. You can trust Him to keep His word.
Today’s One Thing
Review the five things you can do to become more like Christ. Ask the Lord to help you set a goal this week to do one of the five things faithfully each day.