Jesus Sees You Completely
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.
─ 2 Corinthians 4:16
Jesus gave attention to the disregarded or seemingly unseen people – the poor, the ill, the shunned and the outsiders. Remember the Samaritan woman He encountered on His way to Galilee when He stopped for water at a well (John 4)? Jesus could have simply avoided her, since she was from an opposing ethnic group, but even more so, because she had a tarnished reputation. She was known for stealing husbands and was often the topic of lewd gossip and cautionary tales. Perhaps she went to the well mid-day when there was less of a chance to encounter unwelcomed stares and hushed whispers from her community.
But Jesus saw her. He wasn’t concerned about what the disciples would think about His conversation with her, or the fact that He let this kind of woman draw water for Him. Jesus saw the need of her heart and offered her mercy, grace and Living Water. He took the time to help the Samaritan woman come face to face with her sin, to come to know and worship the one true God, which led to a transformed life.
Jesus sees you for who you are – on the inside. While the outside wastes away, the inside is renewed day by day by the power of God’s great love for you. No matter what you have done or the mistakes you have made, God will always love and cherish you.
Today’s One Thing
What does Jesus see when He looks at you? In what ways are you renewing your inner self day by day? In prayer this week, ask the Lord to show you how He values you, the ways you can grow into all He has called you to be and how you can love those more in your life today.