Joy that Keeps You Going
As governor of Jerusalem, Nehemiah inherited a city whose walls were crumbling—symbolic of the pathetic spiritual condition of the Jewish people. Nehemiah’s heart was broken for his people. He shared in their hurts and their sense of vulnerability.
“The joy from the Lord is your strength!”
─ Nehemiah 8:10 CEB
Nehemiah served as the cupbearer of the Persian king when a brother came and told him that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down, and its gates had been burned with fire. When he heard these things, he sat down and wept (Nehemiah 1:4).
The Lord’s joy that keeps you going in spite of hardships.
Riddled with grief because his homeland stood in ruins, Nehemiah took time to feel the pain and process the grief. Grieving loss of any kind is an important first step in the process of moving forward. Until you fully grieve, you won’t be able to put the pain behind you to make way for the great things God has for you.
Our verse today is later in Nehemiah’s story – the joy of the Lord is your strength. It‘s not your joy, but a joy that comes from Him. He gives you a joy which is beyond words, a joy that overflows, a joy that keeps you going in spite of hardship and through the trials of life.
Today’s One Thing
Pray and discuss your losses with the Lord. Evaluate any mental or emotional barriers that are keeping you from facing the future with confidence.