
Keep Moving

I called on your name, O Lord, from the depths of the pit; you heard my plea, “Do not close your ear to my cry for help!” You came near when I called on you; you said, “Do not fear!”

─ Lamentations 3:55-57 

Matt Felton had refueled his van with compressed natural gas many times without incident. But on July 18, 2017—just days before his 46th birthday—something went terribly wrong. A deafening explosion blasted him and his friend Jason to the ground.

According to an article in his local newspaper, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Matt doesn’t remember the explosion, just that he was suddenly lying on the ground, his legs crumpled under him. Both of his legs had to be amputated, and Matt is now in a wheelchair.

Once a biker, mountain climber and avid adventurer, Matt is coming to terms with his new body and the phantom pains in limbs he no longer has. But this physical change hasn’t affected his spirit. Matt has known Jesus for as long as he can remember, and he says his strong faith has been key in his recovery.

Just days after his accident and the amputation of his legs, Felton was the life of his own birthday party at the hospital, his sense of humor intact. With the help of quality prosthetics, Matt expects to continue his active lifestyle and relies on faith and friends to keep moving forward.

For most of us, this kind of set back might change our entire perspective. We might be tempted toward depression or self-pity. But Scripture is clear that in the midst of our despair, we can call out to God, who hears our cries. When we feel like giving up, let’s cling to God. He knows our pain and will help us through. 

Today’s One Thing

Recognize today that you are not alone. Ask God to provide you with strength when you need it. Be willing to allow friends to encourage and support you. Hold tight and keep moving forward.



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