
Killing the Comparison Virus with Michael Cochren

“The biggest thing God has been showing me in my life is I’ve got to kill the comparison virus,” Christian music songwriter and worship leader, Michael Cochren (of Cochren and Co.) shared. “A comparison will kill my joy. If I don’t kill comparison, it will kill me.”

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
– Galatians 1:10 ESV

It’s so easy to look at the good things happening for others and wish it was happening for you. If only you had their looks, their money, their talent, their family … and on and on it goes. But if you continue to focus on all the things they have going on, you can miss the things God is doing in your life.

You can stop comparing yourself to others and live with all the joy as Christ intended.

Here are four ways to stop comparing and live as Christ intended.

  1. Choose gratitude. Be thankful to God for His goodness, mercy and grace. He’s given you all the good you have in your life.
  2. Celebrate others. Invite their successes to inspire you to take baby steps toward your dreams (and make sure those dreams are aligned with God’s plans for your life.)
  3. Stop “shoulding” and look forward. The road of regret only leads you through the dark forest of your past. Look to God’s Word for direction and courage (Psalm 119:105).
  4. Invest in yourself. Take the time to build yourself up in faith (and in life). What have you felt God encouraging you to do that could make a big difference in your life? Take a step toward obedience to His lead.

These are key to killing the comparison virus and unlocking the joy God wants you to experience.

Don’t let the comparison virus take you down. You can stop comparing yourself to others and live with all the joy as Christ intended.

Today’s One Thing
Unlock the joy God has for you. Take these four ways to stop comparing yourself with others to prayer. Follow God’s peace in your next steps. Take a step today.

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