Kindness—a Fruit of the Spirit
Kindness is more than a single good deed or a nice word; it’s a constant expression of the love God has placed within you. Kindness expressed is the gentle work of the Spirit within you and becomes your natural response to others.
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
– Ephesians 4:32 ESV
The fruits of the Spirit, listed in Galatians, include kindness as a core attribute of a Spirit-led life. Each fruit reflects the qualities of God Himself, designed to flow through you as a reflection of His love. When you choose to live by the Spirit, He cultivates kindness in you. The beauty of this is that you start to see people through God’s eyes, even toward those who might test your patience.
Kindness comes from God’s endless grace, and is witnessed in your service, forgiveness, and encouragement to others out of a heart of humility. Kindness reflects a humble heart willing to put others before yourself, extending patience and understanding.
Kindness grows in you when you allow the Spirit to produce His fruit within you.
When you surrender your heart to the Holy Spirit, kindness flows out of who you are. The Spirit softens your heart and helps you let go of grudges, impatience, or judgment.
His kindness calls you to embrace an inward transformation—a trust in God to shift your focus from self to others. As you seek His will, the fruits of the Spirit emerge naturally, an overflow of God’s work within you.
Today’s One Thing
Seek God through prayer and listening, and declare, “I choose to let the Holy Spirit guide me in kindness, trusting that His work in my heart will flow into every action, reflecting God’s love and compassion to others.”