Know Christ and Make Him Known
O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love and with him is plentiful redemption.
─ Psalm 130:7
Summer’s parents raised her to have a deep love for God and a love for the nations. At eight years old, she shared her desire to go into the mission field with her friend. The call of God on her life was heartfelt, even if expectations for the mission field were unrealistic.
The harsh truths of missions surfaced quickly once she arrived in Karamoja, Uganda. She immediately felt she lacked much in her capacity to serve the very ones she felt called to minister to. At a complete loss, she did the only thing she could. She looked to God to provide His ability to do the work that she could not do on her own.
With her eyes on God, and a heart to do His work, she watched Him provide a team to do what she could not have done on her own. God guided them to people who were prepared to accept His truth. He equipped them to shape and mold a local Bible story-telling team. Each day, she watched God do what only He could do in the hearts of the people of Uganda.
As a child, Summer believed missions to be her God-given purpose. Today, she knows her purpose was not just about missions trips, but to know Christ and to make Him known to others. Summer achieves her purpose through humble demonstrations of love, faith and obedience.
Today’s One Thing
Ask God to show you how you can demonstrate His love to others throughout your day today. Then watch for the opportunities He gives you and follow through.