Know Your Best, Next Move
Have you ever wished you could hear the audible voice of God tell you what to do or where to go, so you could be fully confident in knowing your best, next move?
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
─ Joshua 1:9 ESV
God commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous. He was also told to meditate on the Book of the Law continuously so God’s Word would be preeminent in his mind and not the social influencers of the time. Joshua had many decisions to make as he led the Israelites. Saturating his mind with God’s Word allowed Joshua to be sensitive to the Lord’s leading and guidance so he could be strong and courageous.
Like Joshua and the Israelites conquering the promised land, when you accept Christ and trust in the Word, you have the privilege and honor of not conquering plans and promises on your own. The Lord desires to help you make your way to victory and accomplishment. Sensing the Spirit’s guidance in your daily routines is essential to developing confidence, courage and strength in Him.
Let God’s Word help you be attentive to His guidance, knowing He is with you wherever you go.
While it is easy to believe hearing God’s audible voice is the answer to receiving directions, the Holy Spirit knows how to guide Christ’s followers the best. He is the master and perfect architect in fulfilling His plans in your life. He wants to give you the strength and courage to move ahead.
As you study and understand God’s Word you become sensitive to receive the Spirit’s guidance. He is with you.
Today’s One Thing
Pray this prayer. Thank You for Your Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the direction to be strong and courageous in my daily walk. Help me prioritize spending time in Your Word and meditating on it continuously. Please help me understand that being strong and courageous is not optional, but a privilege. Thank you for being with me wherever I go.