
Leading through Change

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

─ Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV

Leading through Change

The last year has been filled with unexpected, unimaginable and unprecedented change. As a leader of your family, your business, your church or in personal relationships in which you lead, it’s important to know it’s human nature to resist change. You will encounter opposition.

Here are three important things to realize when you are leading through change:

  1. It will probably take longer than you expect.
  2. It hurts more than you ever imagined, especially when it comes to relationships.
  3. Changes can get messy in the middle.

Change is inevitable, and the verses from Isaiah 43 bring hope and encouragement. God desires for you to look forward to the new things He is doing in your life. As you lead through change, challenge yourself and others not to remember the old ways of doing things, the old habits and choices, but instead, embrace the new things God is setting before you.

Today’s One Thing

This week, choose one of the following areas to work on:

  • Give yourself and others time and grace for the process.
  • Love others as they process the change.
  • Set realistic expectations about changes.

Additional Reading

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