Lean into God and Rest
So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.
─ Hebrews 4:9-10 ESV
Lean into God and Rest
Ella leaned her head back on the couch, inhaled deeply and then exhaled slowly. The puppies curled up in her lap. Slowing down to take a break never came easily for Ella. She stayed too busy, and her mind remained full, constantly working. But for well over a year, the word rest seemed to rise up in her heart, especially in her quiet time. She knew it was something the Lord wanted her to work on.
Around Christmas, she decided to adopt two sibling puppies. She knew the puppies, for a season, would keep her close to home, and force her to take a semi-sabbatical. She found herself pausing more frequently to just sit with the puppies in her lap. And she could feel the pressure lift as she made herself relax and lean into the Lord, like the pups leaned into her.
Our verse today promises a rest for all who belong to God. God’s peace is available now. You don’t have to wait for eternity to lean back and rest in His presence. For many of us, it’s difficult for us to stop working, stop pressing and let go. But God desires for us to take quiet time with Him, to experience His love and know His joy in an intimate way.
Today’s One Thing
This week, put time into your schedule for a hard stop. Settle into God’s lap, so to speak, and do whatever it is that makes you feel close to him. Spend time:
- In His presence
- In prayer
- Focused on Him
- Listening to His voice
- Worshiping Him with your favorite Christian songs
- Reading some of your favorite scripture verses