Lean into the Father’s Arms
What is it with little boys and their daddies?, Dee wondered to herself as she watched her grandson walk up the retaining wall, higher and higher holding to his father’s hand. Then when he stood just above his father’s head, her son let go of his tiny hands, looked at his toddler and said, “Jump!”
It seemed to Dee that the child nearly floated off the wall. Without any hesitation at all, the baby laughed as he leaned into the wind and fell softly into his daddy’s arms.
I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.
─ 2 Corinthians 6:18 ESV
You have a promise from the Lord Almighty that He will be a father to you. And not just any father – but the best Father – one to which even the best earthly father cannot begin to be compared.
When you lean into the Father’s arms, He will always catch you!
Just as a little one trusts that his parent will catch him when he leans into their arms, God desires for you to trust Him with your life like that. He desires for us to have faith that He will always be there to catch us. He is delighted when you willingly fall into His loving arms with:
- Complete trust.
- No fear.
- No hesitation.
Your Heavenly Father loves you and wants to love you deeply as His child.
Today’s One Thing
Are you struggling to let go and lean into God? What is He asking you to trust Him with today? Take time to talk to Him about whatever it is, and then imagine yourself freely letting go of it and falling into His arms, trusting Him to take care of you and all that you’re concerned about.