Let God Lead the Way
The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.
─ Psalm 37:23-24
“Why is it so very hard for us to let go and let God?” Brent asked his cousin, Todd as they drove to their grandfather’s house to help him with some work he needed done on the old farmhouse.
“I used to think it was because we are both firstborns,” Todd smiled, “but I know it’s more than that.”
“It’s not necessarily that I think I know best, although sometimes that’s the case. It’s more that I want to control the situation,” Brent admitted. “I convinced myself if it’s my plan then I can control the outcome.”
“Yeah! I know that’s true. But then in the end nothing goes exactly according to my plan. When I look back on the past when I demanded my own way – I usually backed myself in a corner and needed God to intervene” Todd smiled. “I’m slowly learning how not to be such a control freak.”
Today’s One Thing
During your conversations with God today, choose to let God lead the way. Then watch what He will do as you follow Him.