Let Your Trust Grow Deep
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
─ Colossians 2:7 NLT
Horace Bushnell, an American congregational minister and theologian born in 1802, said, “God understands His own plan, and He knows what you want a great deal better than you do. The very things that you most deprecate, as fatal limitations or obstructions are probably what you most want. What you call hindrances, obstacles, discouragements, are probably God’s opportunities. Bring down your soul, or rather, bring it up to receive God’s will and do His work, in your lot, in your sphere, under your cloud of obscurity, against your temptations and then you shall find that your condition is never opposed to your good, but really consistent with it.”
When trouble comes, our first response is that God has missed a step, was caught off-guard or has completely forgotten His promise. We are tempted to question why things happened the way they did or how we arrived at our present circumstance.
Bushnell’s truth – that your condition is never opposed to your good – is consistent with our verse today. As we allow our trust in God to grow deep, our faith will lead us to God’s very best. We want to fix things and jump ship in the middle of the storm to save ourselves, when staying connected to God will eventually bring us to the very promised land where God’s destiny for us is overflowing with dreams we never imagined.
Today’s One Thing
Build your faith today. When you can’t see where you’re going and you’re tempted to think that things aren’t going to work out, remind yourself that God’s best is ahead. Place today’s scripture in a place where you can recite it several times throughout the day.