Looking to Bless Others
For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth.
─ Psalm 71:5
Ray gave his wife, Sharon, a knowing look as they pushed their grocery cart into a long line. “We should have come earlier in the week ….”
“Well, we didn’t.” Sharon teased, as they waited in line behind a young family of five. She couldn’t help but overhear parts of the young couple’s conversation – enough to surmise that they were worried about being able to afford all the items they had chosen to purchase.
They watched the couple sort items to the left and right sides of their cart. Sharon reflected back to earlier days when they struggled financially. She suddenly realized God had placed them in line in answer to their prayer – to be able to bless others now that they were in a better place financially. “Ray …” she started, but he was already moving to do what she was thinking.
He stepped up to the young couple and told them to put everything on the conveyor belt. The couple, reluctant at first, accepted the gift in tears. “We’ve been in your shoes,” Ray explained. “As the Lord has blessed us, we asked Him to give us opportunities to bless others. Being able to help you today is an answer to our prayers.”
Today’s One Thing
Ask the Lord to show you how you can bless someone this week.