Make Room for God’s Solutions
There is great power in dependence on God. He has answers you may have never thought of.
For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
– 2 Corinthians 12:10 ESV
What current problem are you trying to solve on your own? Whether it is a family situation, a job challenge, a financial issue or a personal relationship that needs mending, your answers will never be as good as God’s. He has the solutions. You will find power in prayer and dependence on Him.
So often the phrase, “There is nothing I can do but pray,” is used in difficult situations. That is exactly where the power resides. If you rely on yourself and forge forward, you may quickly head in the wrong direction and find yourself up stream without a paddle. Setting out on your own to find the best solution can become unbearable. God doesn’t want you to be overwhelmed or give up entirely.
Reliance on God, time spent in His Word, in worship and in prayer brings peace and direction in the most challenging times.
Even if you have to row up stream against a strong current, God gives you the supernatural oars and strength to get where you need to go.
Without hesitation, you can confidently put those oars into the water knowing He is with you. The outcome may not be what you thought it should be, but you can leave that in His hands. You can trust God with the answers that come.
Today’s One Thing
What are you attempting to do in your own strength today? What one thing will help you to move closer to letting go of your own tightly held solution so you may fully embrace God’s? Talk with a friend about your concerns today and ask them to pray with you.