Make This Year Your Turning Point
Living a better life is easier than you think. Instead of making big resolutions that overwhelm you, your Heavenly Father invites you to shift your perspective and embrace change.
God’s mercy is so abundant, and his love for us is so great, that while we were spiritually dead in our disobedience he brought us to life with Christ. It is by God’s grace you have been saved.
– Ephesians 2:4-5 GNT
You can make this year a turning point in your life by shifting your focus to God’s Word, God presence and His plans He has for you this year. It takes a decision, a willingness to allow Him to help you overcome significant challenges and build healthy habits to achieve the goals He has for you.
Accept the Heavenly Father’s invitation to shift your perspective and embrace change.
After all, the new year reminds you to remember you are a new creation in Christ—and He calls you to a higher purpose, just as Paul writes: “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14 NIV).
Take heart! He has saved you by His grace. All you have to do to live a better life is pursue Him every day through …
- A transformational shift in your thinking, attitude and emotions. He’s given you wisdom to do just that in the Bible, His Word.
- The power that knowing Him personally can have on your actions. Spending time in prayer, allowing your Holy Spirit helper to teach you and guide you in all things.
- Confidence to pursue the goals that glorify God!
May you be equipped to live out your faith every day this year and experience the lasting change that can only be found in following Him!
Today’s One Thing
Please accept God’s invitation to know Him more this year. Choose this day to implement the three things listed above and live a better life each day, starting now, in Him.