Making It Right
“So, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”
─ Matthew 5:23-24
Michael Sullivan, pastor of a Presbyterian church in South Carolina received something completely unexpected inside correspondence from an anonymous sender: a check for $2,000.
The letter writer confessed he had been an appalling racist. He wrote, “Due to Christ’s teachings, I am appalled at my former thoughts and words. I send this donation as a heartfelt apology to the African-American community as a sign of God’s love for you and as a sign of my love for you as well.”
Pastor Sullivan was moved deeply by the letter and said, “Whether we are talking black or white [or] whether we are talking about Christian or Islamic, if we can hear the heart of this man as being a heart that represents all of us, I think all of us can become better.”
Have you ever hurt someone and felt like you needed to do something to compensate for the loss, injury or insult? Going back after the fact and trying to make things better demonstrates God is at work in your life and your heart is changed.
Today’s One Thing
Ask God to show you if you need to set things right for something you wish you’d done differently, or to help you accept someone’s offer to make amends.