
Mothering Where God Leads

“I get to be … an author of some books that have done pretty well as far as the New York Times is concerned, but on the average day, I am just a mom, a wife, a daughter and a friend, doing my best to press into Jesus and praying to become more like Him in the chopping of vegetables and the teaching of spelling words and the ministry of doing life with people.” ~ Katie Davis Majors

As one whom his mother comforts, I will comfort you.

– Isaiah 66:13 ESV

Katie Davis Majors became a mother of 13 girls by the time she was 23 years old. After leaving her home in Tennessee for a short-term mission trip to Uganda when she was 18 years old, Katie knew she’d found her new home. Instead of going to college to become a nurse, Katie returned to Uganda where she’d fallen in love with the people and sensed God wanted her to help with the many children at an orphanage.

Filled with God’s love, you can pour it out to those He places in front of you.

Katie did not set out to adopt, but when she realized there was a great need, she took in three girls at first, and her family grew from there. With the love of God pulsating through her, Katie poured out His affection to the children who were placed in front of her.

After giving up the usual dream of having a husband and a family of her own, God blessed Katie with a husband who had gone to Uganda as a missionary. After they married, they added two biological children and now have 15 children total.

Things haven’t always gone the way Katie thought they should, but God has used sorrow and hardship to draw her near to Him. In the midst of her mothering, He is her hope.

Today’s One Thing

A prayer you can pray: “Father, is there someone in my midst You would have me share Your love with? Please direct my paths to that person who needs to know of Your unconditional and sacrificial love. I will watch with anticipation and follow where You lead. Amen.”

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