New Habits and Routines
Have you ever counted the sequence of actions you perform each morning – the ones you repeat consistently without skipping a beat? Perhaps your morning alarm goes off, you dangle your feet off the bed, enter your closet and decide what to wear, take a shower, brush your teeth … and the routine continues. Systematic routines can be good and beneficial.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
─ I Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV
King David had a morning routine of meeting with the Lord. He would wake up and begin his day by talking with God. It’s likely he had days he didn’t want to get out of bed or mornings that were already filled with tasks he needed to accomplish. David cried to the Lord for help before dawn (Psalm 119:147).
In addition to David, Jesus would rise early while it was still dark and pray to His Father (Mark 1:35).
Create a habit to greet the Lord with praise and thanksgiving as soon as you wake up each day!
Praise the Lord and thank Him for the beautiful day you will encounter at the very moment you first wake up. As you begin to do this consistently each morning, it will naturally become part of your routine to starting your day. By embracing this action, you create a mindset that God comes first. You are rejoicing and acknowledging that He is your first priority, and He made this day for you (Psalm 118:24).
Prioritizing time with the Lord brings a unique encounter. While your quiet time may not be immediately when you wake up, your day can begin by thanking the Lord and praising Him for the opportunities He has waiting for you.
Today’s One Thing
Sequence your daily habits to greet the Lord every morning with thankfulness and praise. Read Psalm 5 and ask the Spirit to enlighten your sensitivity to His guidance.