
New Revelation

The Bible is full of revelation. No matter how many times you read a verse, you have an opportunity to see Scripture in a new way. God’s truths are revealed to you by faith as the Holy Spirit leads and guides you to experience God through His Word.

So they took away the stone. And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me.

– John 11:41 ESV

Jesus offers a prayer of thanksgiving to God before raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11:41. In this single verse you can see at least five different ways to be inspired by Jesus’ words.

You can learn to cultivate a heart of thanksgiving by following Jesus’ example. Each time you take a moment to reflect on the Father’s blessings in your life and express gratitude for them, it can help you to shift your perspective and bring you His peace and contentment.

Watch for opportunities to see Scripture in a new way.

Have faith in God’s power and plan for your life. Just as Jesus demonstrated unwavering faith in God’s ability to perform miracles, you too can trust that God is in control and will guide you through whatever you’re going through today. Even when you don’t understand why certain things are happening in your life, you can have confidence that God is at work behind the scenes to bring about good for you.

Have hope that there is no situation or problem that is beyond God’s power to fix. The fact that Jesus was able to raise Lazarus from the dead shows that even death itself is not a barrier to God’s power. What a powerful source of comfort and encouragement Jesus’ example can be, especially when you are facing challenges.

Ask God for help. Jesus’ prayer before performing the miracle of raising Lazarus demonstrates the power of prayer and the importance of asking God for guidance and support. No matter how big or small your problems may seem, you can turn to God in prayer and trust that He will hear your petitions.

Trust in God’s goodness and love for you. Jesus’ prayer reflects His confidence that God is good and working for the good of His people. Even when you cannot see how God is working in your life, you can trust that He has your best interests at heart.

Today’s One Thing

As you meditate on this verse, revising the five ways it can inspire you, allow its truths to sink deep into your heart and bring comfort and encouragement to your soul.

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