Offer Hope
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.”
─ Hebrews 10:23
Natalie and her dog, Cola, walked along the outdoor shopping mall just a few blocks from her apartment. She saw a man sitting on the bench outside the pharmacy. The man noticed Cola. “Cute dog,” he said, putting his hand out for Cola to smell. After introductions, Natalie asked the man named John, “How are you today?”
“Not very good,” he said bluntly. “I’ve got an infection in my foot, and I’m hoping to get enough money from people walking by to pay for my prescription,” he said.
“Well, I don’t carry money with me when Coco and I walk, but can I pray for you? Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?” she asked.
John’s eyes filled with tears as he bowed his head. “Yes, I wouldn’t be alive today without Him.”
Natalie prayed, trusting the Holy Spirit to speak words that would water John’s discouraged heart. When she finished, John said, “Thank you for caring enough to stop and pray,” John said. “Your prayer poured hope into my very soul.”
Jesus wants you to boldly proclaim salvation and hope to others. If you are willing to open your mouth, He will fill it with His words.
Today’s One Thing
Who does God need you to pray with and encourage this week? Take time this week to stop, be bold, and touch one person this week who is hurting.