Old Testament Truths Speak Today
Take a good hard look at Jesus. He’s the centerpiece of everything we believe, faithful in everything God gave him to do. Every house has a builder, but the Builder behind them all is God. Moses did a good job in God’s house, but it was all servant work, getting things ready for what was to come. Christ as Son is in charge of the house. Now, if we can only keep a firm grip on this bold confidence, we’re the house!
─ Hebrews 3:1, 5-6 MSG
Old Testament Truths Speak Today
Moses, a great hero of the Old Testament, served God and remained faithful to bring God’s people out of Egypt, and eventually into the land of promise. In addition to the call upon his life as Israel’s deliverer by the hand of God, Moses also prepared the way for the Messiah through his obedience to God.
The Old Testament gives insight and revelation to the New Testament.
In reading the Old Testament, you can learn how:
- God can accomplish His purpose through people.
- He uses personalities and events to demonstrate important truths.
- God spoke faith to make certain things a reality through prophets.
- He used the act of sacrifice to help us understand the Messiah’s role in our redemption.
Today’s One Thing
Choose to add a portion of the Old Testament to your Scripture reading plan. If you need an idea of where to start, begin in Exodus with Moses’ story.