
Open the Door to Possibilities with Brooke Ligertwood

Platinum recording artist and Grammy-award winning songwriter, producer and worship leader, Brooke Ligertwood said, “Humility gives birth to expectation and to wonder.”

Don’t act out of selfish ambition or be conceited. Instead, humbly think of others as being better than yourselves. Don’t be concerned only about your own interests, but also be concerned about the interests of others.

– Philippians 2:3-4 GW

In a recent conversation with Family Life Radio, Brooke Ligertwood shared, “When we come into a situation with the expectation that we have all the answers and that our talents will lead to success, we are likely to struggle with insecurity and pride. However, when we approach a collaboration or situation with humility, we become a witness to wonder and what God can do through us. We can approach others with the respect they deserve and focus on what we can learn from them, rather than solely on what we can contribute.”

When you approach situations with humility, you open yourself up to the possibility of wonder and what God can do in your life.

When you approach situations with humility, you open yourself up to the possibility of wonder and what God can do in your life.

This is easier said than done. Humility can be difficult to achieve on your own, particularly when you are seeking success. But the Scripture encourages, when you are humble, you receive the exaltation of God, wisdom, good relationships and a way to overcome sin and pride.

A few ways to cultivate humility in your life:

  • Recognize your own flaws and weaknesses.
  • Seek help from God and others.
  • Be willing to learn from those around you.
  • Put the needs of others before your own.
  • Treat everyone with kindness.
  • And always choose to value others.

Today’s One Thing

As you strive to live each day with humility, think about the wonder in what God can do through you. Ask God to help you approach others with the respect they deserve and learn from their experiences, which enriches your own life.

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