Partners in Prayer
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
─ 1 Timothy 2:1-2 ESV
Partners in Prayer
“I can’t help but feel frustrated about the things going on in our country, and the way our leadership, from the top to the bottom, have handled things over the last six months,” Bart remarked to his friend, Cheryl.
Cheryl smiled, anticipating the direction the conversation was headed.
“How can our pastors ask us to pray for them?”
“That’s exactly why we are commanded in Scripture to pray for them, from our president and national leaders, all the way down to state and local government,” Cheryl replied.
God is omniscient and omnipresent. He is mighty, powerful and all-knowing, and still, He invites you to help Him change the world through your prayers. Paul urges everyone to make requests, to pray, to intercede and to give thanks for all those in authority in hope of living a peaceful, godly life. In our verse today, the word everyone means this conviction should weigh upon the hearts of every believer.
Paul’s command to pray for those in authority is astounding if you consider the brutality and persecution Christians suffered at the hand of King Nero, a cruel emperor during Paul’s lifetime. When Paul wrote these words, the very lives of Christians were becoming more and more of a risk. Eventually after a great fire consumed much of Rome, Nero deflected the blame onto Christians who were not only denied many rights, some were brutally murdered in public.
You have influence in the spirit when you obey God and pray for His will to be done, especially when it means praying for someone you don’t like or agree with.
Today’s One Thing
Partner with God this week in prayer. Pray for your leaders to come to know Him in a personal way, to grow in faith, in integrity and wisdom. Ask God to give you compassion and love for His will to be done in this country.