
Peace – By God’s Definition

Like love in our culture today, peace becomes an elusive concept with as many different meanings as the number of people you ask to define it.

You will give us peace, Lord, because everything we have done was by your power.
─ Isaiah 26:12 CEV

Webster’s Dictionary from 1828 dictionary used the words freedom from in several of the definitions.

Freedom from:

  • Disturbance or agitation; applicable to society, to individuals or to the temper of the mind.
  • War with a foreign nation; public quiet.
  • Internal commotion or civil war.
  • Private quarrels, suits or disturbance.
  • Agitation or disturbance by the passions, as from fear, terror, anger or anxiety.

When you put your worries in God’s hands, He puts His peace in your heart.

The verse above is God’s Word to you today. When you rest in God’s will, trust His wisdom and lean into doing things according to His plans and purposes found in His Word, His peace comes.

Similarly, God’s peace brings freedom to your soul. He is your peace – your freedom that comes to rest in your most inner being of who you are when you trust Him for the outcome of whatever challenges you are facing. When you put your worries in God’s hands, He puts His peace in your heart.

Today’s One Thing
It’s only natural to have concerns about the things going on in your life, but instead of letting those circumstances that you can’t control steal your freedom, choose to give it all to God.
Open your hands palms up and release every care to Him.
Listen for any instruction and do what He prompts you to do.
Then trust Him to fill you with His promise of peace as He works it all to your good.

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