Peace – Jesus’ Gift to You
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
─ John 14:27 NLT
Peace – Jesus’ Gift to You
The word peace can mean different things today. World peace may carry the connotation to be free from civil disturbances or offer a state of security within a community provided by law or customs. Sometimes peace refers to freedom from unsettling thoughts or oppressive emotions. It can also describe harmony in personal relationships.
Peace on earth does not exist outside of God. Peace is His gift to you. Pure peace can only be found through a relationship with Him.
Our verse today are words Jesus spoke during the last meal He shared with His disciples before He was arrested and taken to the cross. He said, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
Jesus’ gift of peace is a deep and lasting peace. It is a confident assurance from Him that with His peace, you can live without fear of the circumstances you face today or the challenges of tomorrow.
All you have to do is receive this gift of peace. His words can become just as alive and active in your life as they were the very day He spoke them, if you will connect your faith to His words and receive them.
Today’s One Thing
Close your eyes and hear the Lord saying the words from our verse to you today. “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” Pause and reflect on His words. Will you receive His gift of peace today?