Planting Seeds
“Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains.”
—James 5:7
Mary dug evenly spaced rows in the dirt and then carefully dropped in seeds. She also transplanted seedlings, fertilized and watered her garden. She loved this time of year and watched the seeds sprout, grow, and bloom. Each blossom held the promise of fruit she would harvest later.
Planting seeds helps us learn patience and how to nurture growth. Instead of frustration in waiting, we should enjoy the season of growth and the little steps along the way to the fruit of our labor. The journey is a time of learning and dreaming. God is nurturing the growth too. He nurtures plants with water and sunshine to produce growth. In our lives, He nurtures us and His love produces growth. Watch for the sprouting of new ideas and starts to answered prayers. Reflect on how you’ve grown this year and what God is producing in your life.
Today’s One Thing
Plant a packet of seeds indoors or outdoors and watch them sprout and grow. Thank God for each phase of the growth in the seeds and your life.