Praise God for He is Just
The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad! Clouds and thick darkness are all around him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.
─ Psalm 97:1-2 ESV
Josh McDowell said, “When God balances the scales morally, it is not some standard outside Himself He looks at and then determines whether this is right or wrong. But rather it’s His very nature, it is His very character and nature that is the standard by which He judges.”
God is the standard of justice. He demonstrates His power by His own moral excellence. The theme of justice is woven throughout the Psalms. The Psalmists praise God because He is just; they pray for Him to mediate and carry out justice where oppression and wickedness reside; they condemn the wicked and commend the righteous.
Justice in Psalms dynamic intercession is in the best interest of the helpless and the poor. Psalm 97, one of the psalms with a theme of justice, says the earth rejoices because the Lord reigns … justice is the very foundation of His throne.
Today’s One Thing
Here are some examples of psalms that express God’s justice: 7, 15, 50, 75 and 145. As you read them this week, ask yourself these questions:
- Who is my neighbor?
- Does my work, play, buying habits and giving help or hurt people who have less than I do?
- What one thing could I do this week to assist a helpless person?