Pray to the Lord of the Harvest
─ Matthew 9:37-38 ESV
When was the last time you shared Christ with someone? Maybe you even had the opportunity to lead them to Him. Sometimes, as Christians, we make excuses and dismiss our responsibility, saying that friends and family aren’t open to hear about the Savior. But the truth is, for some of us, it’s uncomfortable.
The kingdom of God has no unemployment.The Father has plenty of work for everyone. In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus told His disciples there’s so much harvest, and not enough workers. So, pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send those who will reap the harvest of souls for the kingdom of God.
Jesus encouraged His followers, in addition to the work ahead of them, to pray for workers to join them. The same word is true today. God wants you to pray, share Christ and teach others to come alongside you to serve Jesus.
New believers are some of the most excited people in the kingdom. As soon as they experience relationship with God, they want to immediately share His good news.
Jesus instead instructs us first to pray. And even before you pray, those waiting to know Christ, pray that other Christians will join you in reaching out to them. A continual harvest waits to be reaped.
Today’s One Thing
Spend 15 minutes each day this week in prayer, asking the Lord to bring others to help you in all He’s called you to do. Ask God to prepare their hearts to be ready to receive Him. Ask and receive courage to share the Good news with someone. Then watch and wait for Him to show you who is ready to hear from Him.