Prayerful Expectations
What are your expectations when you pray? Do you speak words just hoping the Lord hears you? Don’t throw up your hands thinking, Well, it’s up to God.
Prayer expectations are essential and demonstrate your faithfulness and belief in the Lord.
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
– Matthew 7:7 ESV
While unfortunate, it is common to be distracted or have so many responsibilities that your prayer life seems lacking. These are the times when you especially need alone time with the Lord, if only for five minutes.
Begin to ask the Holy Spirit to help you set aside time to pray each day, and be ready to receive answers, peace and resolutions. The Lord desires for you to give Him first place as you start your day and throughout the remaining hours. When you make Him your priority, time with Him will energize and fuel you and the rest of your day.
Establishing the Lord as your priority each day provides you with confidence as you engage in life, knowing He is with you.
As you experience today, if the Lord pricks your heart about a need, bring it to Him in prayer. This item springing into your mind and heart may be your calling or direction from Him to act. This actionable item may be praying for someone, or it may mean giving to someone. It means acting on what the Holy Spirit places on your heart.
He has created you and placed desires in your heart. He gives you these passions so you can be an extension of His hands and feet to others. The Lord is already present in the things you desire; He wants you to be the person to make things happen. Allow God to use you as an instrument to accomplish His will and to help others.
Today’s One Thing
Prioritize your day, making the Lord first on the list, giving Him praise and thankfulness. Then, ask Him to order the rest of your day as He desires so you can accomplish the important things He has for you.