Proof of Authenticity
The crowds asked [John], “What then shall we do?” And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”
─ Luke 3:10-11 NIV
Proof of Authenticity
As Christ followers, we should demonstrate a love for others, including sharing what we have with those in need. It is proof of authentic life change for those who choose to live for Christ.
In our verse today, the crowd asked John the Baptist how they should demonstrate that their repentance was genuine. His response instructed them to share whatever they have to give, to share it with those in need.
It’s easy to talk yourself out of giving to those in need. Some of the thoughts we have may include:
- I don’t have enough to give to really make a difference.
- I’m too busy to give.
- Even if I could give, I don’t know where to start.
- If I give them money, they’ll spend it on drugs, alcohol or something wasteful.
- They don’t deserve it; they chose this lifestyle.
- I don’t know anyone in need.
- What if I become poor and needy myself?
Instead of making excuses, ask what can be done to help? Does your church have programs to help the needy? Could you volunteer to work with a community group that fights poverty? As one individual you may not be able to accomplish much but joining others with the same desire to help can make a huge difference.
Today’s One Thing
Give in some way to those in need today. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Donate to your local food bank.
- Offer to go to the store and pick up some things for a neighbor who can’t get out.
- Offer to volunteer in your community (the library, the hospital, your local church).
- Give financially to a person in need.