Put Some Free Time in the Schedule
Do you like to feel productive, to lean back at the end of the day and feel like you got a lot done? It’s a great feeling, but many people push themselves hard all the time and fail to give themselves permission to relax and recharge.
“You shall work six days, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during plowing time and harvest you shall rest.
─ Exodus 34:21 NASB
God’s health plan includes provision for regular—and occasionally lengthy—periods of relaxation. That may seem unnatural or even disagreeable, but it’s Biblical. Not only is rest acceptable, it’s absolutely essential to fulfilled Christian living.
God created you to enjoy your life—don’t feel guilty or unspiritual about planning times of “Godly rest.”
In our verse above, God commanded His people to take time to rest even during the harvest season. Godly rest turns the difficulties of daily life into a rich resource for spiritual fruitfulness and renewal.
Leisure is vital to maintaining perspective and keeping a healthy relationship with the Lord and others. God created you to enjoy your life—don’t feel guilty or unspiritual about planning times of “Godly rest.”
Today’s One Thing
Plan a reasonable time for leisure today and put it on the calendar. Ask God to use those moments to renew your physical and spiritual strength.