Questions You Ask Today Determine Your Tomorrows
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
─ Jeremiah 33:3 ESV
A young woman called the Intentional Living program and shared how she wrestles with being content. She said, “I’m 22 years old and I want to honor God. I want to use my life wisely. All of my interactions on my social networks generate a feeling of discontentment. I see what everybody else is doing, what everybody else has and all the things going on, and I wrestle with being content with God, and what He has given me.”
We wrestle with things in our culture that most cultures don’t have an opportunity to even struggle with. Coming to terms with why we’re here and what our purpose is, are questions worth asking. Others we should ask include:
- What do my family and my friends need from me?
- Why am I a dad? A grandfather? A mom?
- Why am I a sister or a brother?
- What do those that I love need from me?
- Where is God working in the world today?
God promises us that when we ask, He will answer (Jeremiah 33:3). When Nehemiah asked that question about his homeland, he spent up to four months in preparation for what God was going to do in his life. (See Nehemiah 1.)
One question can change a life forever. Think about the question: “What must I do to be saved?” We all have moments where questions were answered that changed our lives. Sometimes we need to just stop and reflect because the questions we ask today will determine our tomorrows.
Today’s One Thing
Choose a question worth answering in your life. Write it down on a card, or put it on your mobile device or place it somewhere so that it stays in front of you, and just reflect on it. Let God speak to your heart on it as you read His Word.